
When applying for the Au Pair program, it’s important that you are available to come to The Netherlands for at least the next 6 months. You have to be at least 18 years old and no older than 25 years old, it's also required to not be married and have no children. You should be able to give 2 child care references that aren't family related and a character reference. You have to be in good health (confirmed by a doctor). The maximum length of stay as an au pair is 12 months. It's only possible to stay for a shorter period if you are from the EU or America/Canada.

Pro’s and cons

There are many things that make your application much more attractive. When your file is neat, nice and clear to read, your chances will increase. Furthermore a smoker is very hard to place, even if you have the best application, with the most experience in the world. The same counts for cycling. It’s so much easier to place you when you are able to ride a bicycle, since there are more bicycles than people in The Netherlands! Of course, the more experience you have, the better. You can always try to gain more experience before applying for the Au Pair program. Finally we would like to inform you that placement is much easier when you are flexible in your wishes. For example the age of children you want to take care of. The less specific and more open you are, the easier it will be to place you.


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Familie Jones – Au Pair Nederland gastgezin

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