Does my au pair need a visa?

Au pairs from the EU, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America do not need a visa to travel to The Netherlands. Once at your family, a residence permit must be applied (if the au pair is from outside the EU).
A visa au pair is an au pair that does not come from one of previously stated countries. He/she will need a visa before leaving their native country in order to travel to The Netherlands. You have to request this visa along with a residence permit. Typically, an au pair that needs a visa, can arrive within two months after placement, provided that all papers are on time and correctly delivered at the IND. Unfortunately, Au Pair Nederland cannot guarantee this.

Visa request: safe and easy through Au Pair Nederland

Au Pair Nederland will guide you in applying for both the visa and the residence permit and you will receive all the required application documents from Au Pair Nederland. These documents and various other forms (for example, information about your income and living situation) have to be sent back to us completely filled out. We will check the documents provided by you and then send a request to the IND. Au Pair Nederland is a certified partner of the IND which makes that we as an agency are authorized to apply for visa on behalf of a family. It is not possible for individuals to submit visa requests to the IND. The cost of the visa and the residence permit can be found in our cost overview.


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Engels family – Au Pair Nederland host family

Due to clear agreements, clear communication, regular evaluation and above all great appreciation of one another, we are able to live together with the five of us under one roof!