What conditions should your family meet?

If you want to become a host family for an au pair, the Immigration and Naturalization Department (IND) has certain demands on your family composition and income before you can  apply for a residence permit. These requirements are:

  • Your household consists of at least one parent and one child
  • You are solvent enough to host an au pair. As a two-parent family you have a proven income of € 2.755,62 net per month including holiday fee and € 2.551,50 net per month excluding holiday fee. Single parents should have a proven income of € 2.204,50 net per month including holiday fee and € 2.041,20 net per month excluding holiday fee.
  • You have a contract with your employer that is valid throughout the year that the au pair lives in the Netherlands (one year contract is in most cases not sufficient and a letter of intent will not do)
  • In the case of a private company, this company should exist for at least 1.5 years.

General Conditions Au Pair Nederland

Beyond the requirements of the IND you need to have a seperate room available for the au pair at your home address. The au pair is part of the family and will, in return for board, lodging and pocket money, support in daily life with a maximum of 30 hours per week. The other terms and conditions under which Au Pair Nederland acts, are available under this  link.

Are you unsure whether you qualify for a visa or do you have any questions? Please contact us via aupairnederland@travelactive.nl or by calling +31 (0) 85 222 4812.


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Family speaks

Smith family – Au Pair Nederland host family

Flexibility and regularity for our children, great!