Wanted: Host families for South-African and Colombian Au Pairs

Geplaatst op Tuesday 21 January 2014, door Au Pair Nederland

At the moment several South-African and Colombian Au Pairs with excellent resumes are looking for a Dutch host family where they can start doing what they do best: work as an Au Pair!

Why employ a South-African of a Colombian Au Pair?

One family swears by a American or a Ukrainian Au Pair, the other one has been employing Au Pairs from South-America for several years. If you’ve never had an Au Pair, it’s always advisable to educate yourself about the culture of an Au Pair. This way you’ll be able to tell if an Au Pair matches your family needs. If you prefer an Au Pair who is very family orientated then a South-African Au Pair is your best choice. In South Africa family comes first and many activities are based around family. Another advantage of employing a South African Au Pair is that many Au Pairs from South Africa speak South African. This makes learning the Dutch language a piece of cake.

Family life is also important in Colombia. Here older sisters usually take care of their younger sibling so raising children is in their blood. Au Pairs from Colombia are also know to adjust themselves to their new host family quite easily. If you and your family would like to take the first steps in learning Spanish, but would also like to communicate in English than an Colombian Au Pair is the Au Pair for you.

More info

Are you looking for an Au Pair who is able to start working before the start of the summer? Sign up for a free LITE account and find the perfect Au Pair for your family. For further advice and questions feel free to contact us during office hours at +31 (0)478-551910 or send us an email at aupair@travelactive.nl


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Engels family – Au Pair Nederland host family

Due to clear agreements, clear communication, regular evaluation and above all great appreciation of one another, we are able to live together with the five of us under one roof!