South-African Cameron-James looking for a host family in the Netherlands

Geplaatst op Friday 24 June 2016, door Au Pair Nederland

The new schoolyear is already around the corner and that includes lots of new and great dossiers of Au Pairs have been placed online lately.

One of those dossiers is the dossier of the South-African Cameron-James (19). Cameron-James is a very sportive young lad who has just finished high school and, after his year working as an au pair, would like to study something related to either Conservation or Tourism. Cameron-James can start right now or somewhere until December 2016. He already has some babysitting experience with children between ages 6 and 13. Cameron-James is really into fishing, camping and rugby and fluently speaks English and South-African.

In his dossier, Cameron-James states that “Spending time culturing and making a difference in the lives of children is what motivated me to participate in the Au Pair program. Holland and its beauty from the windmills to the little canals grabs my nature side. It would be fun using a bicycle as main transport.”. 

Besides Cameron-James’ dossier, various other Au Pairs from South-Africa, the United States, Europe and Latin-America are quivering to start working as an Au Pair in the Netherlands.  Sign up for a free LITE account and find the perfect Au Pair for your family. Would you like some advice on which Au Pair suits you best? Please contact us via We are happy to help. 


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