Wanted: Host families for European Au Pairs

Geplaatst op Friday 24 June 2016, door Au Pair Nederland

At the moment several European Au Pairs with excellent resumes are looking for a Dutch host family where they can start doing what they do best: work as an Au Pair! They can start in September and are available for 6 to 8 months.

Why employ a European Au Pair?

One family swears by a American or a Ukrainian Au Pair, the other one has been employing Au Pairs from South-America for several years. If you’ve never had an Au Pair, it’s always advisable to educate yourself about the culture of an Au Pair. This way you’ll be able to tell if an Au Pair matches your family needs. With an au pair from Europe you might already have experienced their culture through vacation, business or family.

Since a visa is not necessary the au pair can start very quickly and we have a special appealing fee for European au pairs.

More info

Are you looking for an Au Pair who is able to start working before the start of the summer? Sign up for a free LITE account and find the perfect Au Pair for your family. For further advice and questions feel free to contact us during office hours at +31 (0)478-551910 or send us an email at aupairnederland@travelactive.nl


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Smith family – Au Pair Nederland host family

Flexibility and regularity for our children, great!